Road Trip Knitting

Bender Oak Gifts is spending a brief stint on the road, and while doing so I need something to keep me occupied...

Since knitting, as a skill and hobby, is new to me, and I needed to pack light, I brought one project with me.

I'm a slow and easily confused knitter, so I picked Rachel Bishop's Glee pattern. It's a very cute, easily shaped pull over.

I made sure I did all the knitting math before I went on the road!

Hopefully, on this trip, I'll make some progress in this project.

Thanks for reading!

- Posted using BlogPress from my Pretentious Phone Device.

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Getting Hooked said…
I am not a knitter but I do crochet and love to take my hooks on the road as well:-) It is the perfect time to busy the hands, and so much can get done with no other distractions :-)
Once upon a time, I was a knitter, but not anymore. I just don't have the patience! More power to you!


Yea for scarlet, yea for red!
Yea for summertime that’s fled
To some far-off frigid place,
Where no ruby shows its face!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

A Handful of Red

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