#5 Reasons My Dog is a Vampire (AKA Breaking Up the Monotony on Social Media)

One of my jobs in New Mexico was to review content (posts) on Social Media from big companies, news organizations, brands, and celebrities.  I worked a 6-7 hour day, and this required a bunch of reading on my part.  So much reading, that I decided to break down the amount of reading I did on an average Saturday (the "slow" day).  I tallied up the word count, pages, clicks and posts to the equivalent of THREE 300 page novels, or approximately 12 newspapers. The one thing that STUCK OUT was that every brand and celebrity had a theme or "mission statement" that reflected their posts...which meant a lot of repeating, monotonous, BORING content after a while.

On Social Media, it's important to break up the monotony of your regular content with something fun, something unusual, or something that draws the attention away from what you're currently trying to sell, advertise, promote, etc...


Nobody wants one specific topic constantly jammed down their throat by someone else. Customers, Readers, Viewers do that on their own.  If the only thing you post is content trying to sell a product, advertise tickets, or drive business leads to a specific client, you will notice your audience start to drop off.  That's because people want to know more about the person behind the project or company. They want to know they are taking in content, advertising or facts/news from a real person. This concept does "circle back" to what I've said about authenticity; and why I stress it's important to be a real when projecting your vision on Social Media.  Hell, even super popular Beauty Vloggers (like Jeffree Star) break up the constant make-up posts with content about their personal life, other fashion topics, and every day minutia of what it means to be the person they are. 

Also, constantly posting, advertising, tweeting and talking about one thing can wear down YOUR CREATIVITY and ability to write or create new content.  That's why "Blog Topic Ideas" and "Ideas for Writers" are some of the best books, eBooks, and articles on the net.

So break it up, write something fun, and go back to your vision fresh!

And now....


1.  Well, just look at that regal face. It's the face of someone grown weary of your mortal peasants.  

"Yes, yes, you should be scratching me...And while you're at it, bring me a villager!" -Granted, she's about as tall as Tom Cruise and has the flare for the extravagant like any late 90's-early-2000's vampire, but still, you gotta admit that face is the face of an devilish creature.

2.  Just like Vampires, she has to be "invited" places, and if she's not invited, she curses you.

     Traditionally, eastern European mythology states that Vampires can't come into your home unless invited. Well, this is #TinyDog to a "T"...She will wait at the edge of a door until you open it all the way, and then wait for you to politely acknowledge her and ask her to come in.  And if you don't acknowledge her, she will legit go to another room, turn her back to any people in the room, and stare at the wall/a couch, a lamp. Staring at ANYTHING besides the people that failed to acknowledge such a magnificent presence as herself.

3.  Constantly hunting young, live prey.

If it weren't for the leash I bought specifically designed for hiking and active dogs, this little turd would bring home the young of every animal in the forest. When we first got her, she ate baby bees, brought us home a baby COTTONMOUTH snake, baby birds, one time she had a mouthful of BABY SNAILS.  How do you even find baby snails?!?!? When we feed her special dinners, red meat is always just barely cooked, and looks like it's still mooing. 

4.  Has a really hard functioning on sunny days, 10/10 could sleep for a hundred years.

Much like vampires, the Summer Sun beats down on Pepper, slowing her activity to just laying helplessly on the grass like emo drama geeks skipping class just to hang out at the park.  She also has absolutely no context for when an appropriate time to sleep is. Tried taking her on a cross-country road trip, she slept through all the cool tourist traps, but was WIDE AWAKE at all the rest stops full of unsuspecting travelers (ominous, predatory music plays).

5.  And lastly, she adds an element of mystery and magic in the lives of mortals she lives with.

That's right, sappy ending.  But it's true, every day I learn something new, something mysterious yet profoundly simple from my dog.  She helps make baby snails magical, she makes me laugh when she tries to majestically jump on the bed (and fails), she makes me trust my own intuition when a "weirdo" walks by. And I love her for that.
Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend.

PS: If you are interested in a leash that can keep your little vampire from terrorizing villagers, check out the EzyDog Leash. 

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