eBay My World - leftovers4dinner

eBay My World - leftovers4dinner

A large part of my day Sunday was spent re-taking pictures from Saturday Morning, uploading them, figuring out where I uploaded them, and then listing them on eBay.... It's so tedious, especially when it's been such a long time since I've tried to sell anything on eBay.

I've subscribed to a Twitter feed called VintageBulletin, thinking I might be able to attract some more vintage lovers and customers, however, I'm not exactly sure how it works. I've got to find a way to promote my stuff to reach more people...

By the Way, eBay is currently having a "List for Free" thing going on til the Beginning of September. First picture is free, multiple pictures for certain categories are free, and if you sit there and hammer it out, doing listing after listing, eBay detects it and randomly throws up deals on listing extras (I got Bold and I got Subtitle free on a couple of listings, super cool). It doesn't work for eBay motors stuff, however, I think they just posted an announcement about that as well.

Etsy is cool and all, but it's hard to get a corner on the market. I haven't figure out yet why certain seller's are doing well, and other's are not, especially when alot of the sellers are selling the same things, and for a wide range of prices. Oddly, the "fair price" items don't seem to be doing too well on Etsy. I figured with the way the American economy is doing now, people might take the cheaper route, or be a little more discriminating with the products they select, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

I joined Artfire a few months ago, however, it just seemed very cumbersome to setup, and it felt like every other click was a recommendation to "Upgrade to Pro"... Really? Of course, when I do the math, the basic membership is still around the same price as the fees for listing +15 items on Etsy and having them all sell.

eBay has had so much negativity with it lately, and I know the handmade market for eBay is almost entirely gone, but at least for Vintage love, odd stuff, Toys, and other items (I've gotten good deals on soap making and packaging supplies) it is still a great resource.

I spent all day posting a bunch of random stuff that needs to go (a bunch of it ya'll have already seen before). I probably spent 3-4 hours on creating slideshows alone... Go ahead and take a look if your bored. PS: Just looking at an item add's to the item's potential of reaching more customers.

eBay My World - leftovers4dinner

I think in the next few days I'll be posting books and craft supplies, but I'm not sure if I should try to post handmade items. If anyone has any experience selling handmade on eBay, lemme know in a comment or message me directly!

Again, thanks for reading everyone!


Susie said…
I hear you about listing on ebay being tedious - I've got a bag full of stuff to put on and I just can't face it (I will soon!). I had a look at your vintage things on etsy and the dashiki-style gown is absolutely stunning ;-)

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