Moving on up, to the South(Eastern) Side

Here's my view from my new 50-dolla thrift shop table as I eat my doctor prescribed breakfast of Honey-Nut Cheerios...

My new kitchen set, complete with electronics boxes that have stuff other than electronics packed in them, so tacky it's awesome vintage fabric seats, and thrift shop tag still attached while I'm sitting on it incredible-ness.

My new library with built in book-case. I thought I had alot of yarn books, and though this is not all of my library, I can tell I have alot more books to buy.

And the Grand, scenic view from my table. A scenic view including My dad's kick-butt truck I'm borrowing, Dog-butt (presented by Bender), and boxes, bags, 'n string all over the place.

- Posted using BlogPress from my Pretentious Phone Device.


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