Spring is coming....

Since the weather is getting nice, it's time for spring cleaning, big time.

My house is tiny and my BF and I need to seriously destash piles of clothes, knick-knacks, and yarn. Time to shed winter pounds, and start getting full force into new years resolutions...

The process of knockin' the dust off the drapes spreads to Bender Oak too.

He got a bath....really needed it too.

My Ben-Ben is too big (my opinion), and too boyish.  Taking him to a foo-foo salon where they deal with tiny rats that people use as purse accessories, or suburban dogs is not economical...Plus, it's just plain girlie...and he's a boy.  Gotta enforce traditional gender role stereotypes.

Well, he got a bath, oatmeal and flea remedy, and he's soft and handsome now, but he hates me for three days after any bath. Oh well, he's almost adorable in these pics.

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