Crafty Countdown Panic
Yes, I apologize I haven't posted regularly the past couple of weeks. I have been crocheting every spare moment I have to prepare for this little craft event my step-mom and step-sis are throwing.
If you are interested in going, or just curious and wanna check it out, use the following link:
Evite to My Jewelry's Holiday Open House
I really am not sure how it's gonna go, but I'm hoping for the best and that a few people will be interested in some hand crocheted and handknitted stocking stuffers.
I had absolutely no idea what people would be interested in buying. I'm aware of "market research", and it's obvious that people interested in handmade jewelry would want indulgent things, like organic washclothes, luxurious shawls, beret's...But under the time constraints, I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to order "just the right yarn" and finish off a bunch of stoles at the last moment. My stepsister suggested mittens and scarves and socks. Anyone that knows me, knows it takes longer for me to finish a pair of socks than it does to finish a Queen size afghan.
So, I tried to create a few small items, and this is what everything looks like so far...
Yep, some handmade soaps too!
In the meantime, this is how erratic I am trying to prep everything up:
Totally freaking out.