Now Servicing SteamPunks and Post-Apocalyptic Victorian Dolls.

I admit it, I love Steampunk, and the ragged looks of distressed post-Victorian... The thought of Petticoats and Oscillators is always appealing, despite the fact I would definitely be an out of place gem in my everday surroundings.

I have a secret collection of amazing treasures, and it occured how magnificient they would be to the Outside World.  I've decided to share a few on Etsy, and with all you fantastic Blog Readers.

--- I've seriously been working on fining easier ways to collect, purchase, document, photo, and resell my finds... I was really fortunate today to have the CheapGeek create a little video to show the articulation on the back of this Vintage Alsta Timepiece Pendant.  Check it out:

And tattered old books.  I've been looking through mine, as well as adding some new ones to my collection.

That's a cute mix of Religion and Technology, :) ..

I'm awfully proud of my photography lately, to the point where I'm short on words, or filling up my blog posts with verbal content.... Or maybe I'm just worn, rusted, and tired... Much like the distressed Treasures held precious by all my Steampunk friends.

So here's to my Steampunk friends, my Distressed Victorian Dolls, and others in love with the Blackened  Metallic Technology...Hopefully this has been some cute EyeCandy for you!

PS: I've seriously been swamped all weekend...If you see something you'd like to know more about, can't find in my Etsy Shop yet, or just would like to hear my story about it, just send me a message!

Check the recent SteamPunk and Precious Metals Collection here:

Making Sumo Sweet Stuff


Joy said…
LOVED your video of the watch/pendant...I felt like I was watching its little heart beat inside! The music was perfect for that glance inside, too...Firsttime reader, btw...linked from ATG!
Ordinary Hiker said…
Hey Joy! Thanks for visiting and commenting. I'm glad you liked the video, I'm still learning how to do the small videos and setting up Youtube, my BF does it all the time. He helped to pick out the music too!

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