My big Letterbox: A Communal Collection of Letterboxes and Living Specimens

So, I went and Hid a Letterbox today:

This is what it looks like:

I packed it up all nicely, and I even included an awesome First to Find Prize:


So, for all of you that Letterbox, I  tried to get all clever with my Clues.  I hope you like them.....

PS: If you need help with the Secret Code below, check out or look online for popular Treasure-Hunting Secret Codes!

Zl fgnzc vf n pryroengvba bs guvf ybiryl yvggyr fcbg.  Vg'f n ornhgvshy Pbzzhany Pbyyrpgvba bs Yrggreobkrf naq Yvivat Fcrpvzraf sbe Fghql naq Rkuvovgvba.

Thvqnapr jvyy pbzr gb lbh va n oynmr bs terra juvgr.

Sebz jurer V fvg, V unir n crnprshy ivrj bs Tybffl Yrnirf naq Ebfryvxr Sybjref, nf jryy nf Fnaql Perrx Orqf naq sybjvat jngre.

Juvyfg P. Wncbavpn crgnyf Syhggre oruvaq lbh, frr cnfg gur Oyhr fragel naq uvf Terra nqivpr. Lbh zvtug whfg svaq gur Evtug cngu oruvaq uvz. Qbja lbh tb, gb fvg orfvqr zr. Ybbx gb lbhe yrsg, oehfu njnl erzanagf bs cnffvat frnfbaf sebz zl snpr, fb jr pna obgu fvg naq jngpu gur fybj jngref cnff.

Jnyx fbsgyl, naq tragyl, naq pneel n ovt fgvpx. Sbe qrcraqvat ba gur frnfba, frecragf znl thneq zr.

Er-uvqr zr jryy.

Abgr, vs lbh cnff n Sebjavat gerr, lbh'ir geniryrq guerr fgrcf gbb sne.

Vafvqr guvf Yrggreobk vf (jung V guvax) n cerggl njrfbzr Svefg gb Svaq cevmr, naq n obahf Fgnzc gb ybt.  Zft zr jvgu gur "anzr" sbe gur frpbaq cneg bs lbhe SGS cevmr (V'ir tvira qvssrerag anzrf gb nyy bs zl nqqvgvbany SGS fgnzcf, naq V'z n yvggyr sbetrgshy, YBY), fb lbh pna trg lbhe nqqvgvbany ybt.

Check out this Letterbox and my other recent Letterbox, "The Egret at the Isthmus" on Click HERE!

Thanks for reading!

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Getting Hooked saidā€¦
Great carve, can't wait for it to warm up just a little here and I too will be out planting :)

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