Goodbye Silver, Hello Silver
After finding there was such a large community of Vintage Collectors, Junkers, Pickers, Shabby Chics, Barn Chicks, and Antique Lovers online, I realized that I could get back into what was once a really large part of my childhood.
What I didn't realize was part of the fun in joining all ya'll is the collection, acquisition, and other little trade-offs that come with the hobby/passion/side-job, etc. Like Letting Go, and Resell.
Recently, I've started to feel like my home has become a little revolving door of tiny vintage treasures...But don't fret, it's actually a great and wonderful thing.
As I am acquiring less, the items that do come into my life are often smaller, and very unique...
Though I have had the wonderful opportunity to give some Silver Treasures new Homes...
A Few Weeks Ago, Ms. Rebecca (Of A Shabby Pink World and Ella Mae's Barn Gathering) fell in love with a little Evil Eye ring. I was so happy that the Ring Found a Home to be Loved and Treasured!

It's amazing the process of letting go, and sometimes I wonder and dream about the new life for some of these items, and breathe deeply because I am both shedding and sharing memories.
When I do take a new piece in, it usually sits on my Undecorated, Un-Shabby Chic, UnFancy Work desk...I stare at it for a while, pondering the History, looking up any possible history, and figuring out how it will fit into my life, or someone else's life.
My goal is to one day pare down my collection to my absolutely beloved treasures and go live in a Barn, Seriously. A big lofty barn with an acre for Bender to run around on, and an Acre for my BF to go be a Mad Scientiest...It would be amazing to find all the wonders I've collected in my short life a new home, and be able to start a new life with Bender and Greg.... Being able to showcase these treasured finds on my blog and my shop is just the Silver Lining to all the Pickin'/Junkin', Picture Taking, Blogging, & Selling. It's opened up a Whole New Shimmery, Silvery World to me. A World I'm very glad to be a part of.

Thanks a bunch for reading, and have a good night, and a Lovely Silvery Sunday.
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What I didn't realize was part of the fun in joining all ya'll is the collection, acquisition, and other little trade-offs that come with the hobby/passion/side-job, etc. Like Letting Go, and Resell.
Recently, I've started to feel like my home has become a little revolving door of tiny vintage treasures...But don't fret, it's actually a great and wonderful thing.
As I am acquiring less, the items that do come into my life are often smaller, and very unique...
A Few Weeks Ago, Ms. Rebecca (Of A Shabby Pink World and Ella Mae's Barn Gathering) fell in love with a little Evil Eye ring. I was so happy that the Ring Found a Home to be Loved and Treasured!
The LionsHead... I have had this Ginormous Pendant since I was 15 (I'll be 30 in a couple months)....And through all my crazy adventures, misadventures, good moments, bad luck, and novel worthy experiences, it's stuck with me. I made the decision a couple months ago that it was time for many of my Vintage Tag-Alongs to discover a new home and begin new adventures in other people's lives... It would help me "let go" and move forward into the next stage of my life, and, hey, maybe I could make a dollar off of the really unique items.
It's amazing the process of letting go, and sometimes I wonder and dream about the new life for some of these items, and breathe deeply because I am both shedding and sharing memories.
When I do take a new piece in, it usually sits on my Undecorated, Un-Shabby Chic, UnFancy Work desk...I stare at it for a while, pondering the History, looking up any possible history, and figuring out how it will fit into my life, or someone else's life.
My goal is to one day pare down my collection to my absolutely beloved treasures and go live in a Barn, Seriously. A big lofty barn with an acre for Bender to run around on, and an Acre for my BF to go be a Mad Scientiest...It would be amazing to find all the wonders I've collected in my short life a new home, and be able to start a new life with Bender and Greg.... Being able to showcase these treasured finds on my blog and my shop is just the Silver Lining to all the Pickin'/Junkin', Picture Taking, Blogging, & Selling. It's opened up a Whole New Shimmery, Silvery World to me. A World I'm very glad to be a part of.
Thanks a bunch for reading, and have a good night, and a Lovely Silvery Sunday.
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And your finds are certainly treasures!
I have had to downsize many of my collections- picking my favorite and letting the rest go- to be loved by someone else.
Thanks for adding your post to my linky- you can copy and paste my button to post on yours- Hugs to you- Tete
you have so nice silver items collected. Thank you for showing us your treasures and your deep thoughts. I wish you a lot of luck on your way.
Gretings, Johanna
It sounds like you are at a crossroads...reconfiguring life. Life in a barn sounds awesome to me!
~ sarah
Blue Hot Wheels